"Size all columns to fit" by default
Hello. In any window if the view is set to Details there are columns in it of course. Almost all the time they are not as wide to see all the content in each of it. "Size all columns to fit" option is very handful in this situation, BUT it's too annoying to do it in each folder. Is there a way to set this option by default? When I open any window with Details view, or change a view in already opened windowed to Details view - all columns will be automatically set to fit their content.
October 2nd, 2009 12:45pm

Hi SergSlim, Please click Organize -> Folder and search options -> View tab -> Apply to Folders button -> OK. Then, the settings will be applied to all folders. :-) Regards, Linda
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October 5th, 2009 9:02am

Nope, that does not help. There are still folders that have cut columns.
October 5th, 2009 11:05am

I would clasify the inability to "Size all columns to fit" by default as one of the mayor annoyances in Windows 7 / Vista. It's a distraction and causes a loss in productivity.MS, please fix it permanently.Thank you.
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October 11th, 2009 4:48pm

Well, Folks ... The inability to have the "details" windows explorer view default to "Size All Columns To Fit" was an enormous oversight and usability problem for any of us that like to use this detailed windows explorer view. Since MS never addressed the mising function in Vista, I assumed that it was too big a change for Vista (even for an outsider to create a "patch" or someone to find a register modification), but that good old MS would come through for us in Windows 7. After all, complaints about this particular usability issue have been pasted all of the internet (both inside and outside of MS' stuff) ever since Windows came out having the "Size All Columns To Fit" option. Well, MS blew it. After the time that Windows 7 betas and RC's have been out now, it is now clear that the entire user community has not figured out how to set this windows explorer detail option by default. I haven't either, and I've really searched for the option. How could anyone have thought that MS would have just ignored this (probably trivial) code change/enhancement/thingie for this long of time. The continuation of this problem past Vista is just F...... unbelievable ... how could they have ignored the thousands of folks who have made this an issue and not provided the needed function. It's just beyond me. It is obvious that they are NOT listening to what we users want. That's, I suppose, now why I'm going with OpenOffice. I've been a fan of Office for years, but I really had second thoughts after I spent my good money on Office 7 and found that I had to learn a completely new user interface. They could have, at least, made the new interface OPTIONAL. But they didn't. Anyway, I've tried OpenOffice now, and it does everything that Office did (that I use, anyway) and I certainly like it better. If OpenOffice behaves like Thunderbird, FireFox and other open software efforts, they will end up being MUCH more stable and usable than MS's Office ... And cheaper, too. And the best thing about these "open software" efforts is that people listen to the user's requests for changes, and if you're a programmer, you can even make your own changes and install your personal changes in a regimented and documented manner, allowing future updates. Anyway, this is probably the last Window Version I'm going for. It's just too painful. With Win 7, I no longer have the same start menu customizations that I've had for years ... and I don't like it. Now, if someone will just start a OpenSoftware "NewWindows", I could really go for it. Boo, Microsoft.
November 23rd, 2009 1:55am

It's called linux
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August 22nd, 2010 10:26pm

It doesn't help at all! The view setting are still the same for other folders.
December 18th, 2010 10:33pm

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